Saturday 10 January 2009

On Becoming a Writer

My current college project is done - it soaked up an insane amount of hours - costing and budgeting being so not my thing! I took self-publishing a text book as the project example, so at least if I ever want to self-publish a book I'll know more about how it's done.

But, before publishing a book one has to write the thing! As I'm still feeling stuck, I thought I'd review some of the texts I've read so that at least I'm doing something. This one is a classic by Dorothea Brande. It was written in 1934, but deals with the questions that never change - where does your voice come from? What stops you from writing? The mind map was done a number of years ago, and I didn't realise until it was nearly finished that it had turned into a heart - very appropriate, and I see that in her barriers to success, she has them all stemming from fear.

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